Friday, September 6, 2013

Welcome to the site.

Welcome to the show come inside, come inside. I created this site to document the creation of my first green certified house, and it happens to be a mobile home. I wanted to do this, as their is very little content online, that pertains to green living in a mobile home. My primary concern, is air quality. This site will follow the green renovation of a home I just bought, and feature entries useful for anyone desiring better air quality in their home. I also have a very Tyler Durden view of the world, and I want to occasionally share this worldview.

I also hope this site will help to diffuse certain stereotypes attached to living in a mobile home. The inspiration to start this blog, came from Crystal at Her site showcases remodeled mobile homes, articles on vintage mobiles, and ideas for redecorating. But my favorite thing about her blog, is that she is really making an effort to tear down the stereotypes, that surround the house on wheels. I hope to replace the stereotype, that people who live in mobile homes are; poor, uneducated, dirty, and lazy, with; people who live in mobile homes are frugal, family centered, adventurous, and creative.

A mobile home is a canvas, waiting to be painted. Since the buy in price is extremely low, there is no danger of decreasing the value (if you buy a home at its depreciated bottom) by expressing a home owners personal creativity. In a stick built home, the owner is always thinking about resale value. Stick built home owners, will likely shy away from what they really want, in favor of something neutral(I could be wrong, I have only had experience with mobile homes). In a bottom depreciated mobile home, anything you do is likely to increase its value.The only limit to a renovation, is a homeowners ultimate goal. If you plan on living out your days in your mobile palace, I say go crazy. Spare no expense when you set out to remodel your home. Because even if you drop $20,000, you still only have $30,000-$40,000 invested (if you buy it righT). For those who have never attempted a renovation, $20,000 in materials will let you remodel your homes entire interior, with the finest materials available. Granite counter tops, oak floors and cabinets, tile bathrooms with lavish claw foot tubs. Once you are finished, you will have a Home that would have cost you 100s of thousands, if it would have been a traditional "stick built" home. To me that is financial wisdom, not poor.

Looking towards the site of our single wide home

If you have not read "the millionaire next door", I highly recommend it. The books ultimate message is this, live below your means, invest wisely, and you can become a millionaire. The book Is basically a compilation of research. It looks at two categories of people; those that appear rich, and those that are rich. The majority of people who appear rich, are living paycheck to paycheck. They live well above their means, live in fine homes, drive luxury automobiles, and live extravagant lifestyles. The majority of those that are rich; live in modest middle class homes, drive used cars, and make an average middle class income. They became rich, because they lived well below there means. How much wealthier could they have become, if they could have gotten past the social stigma  surrounding mobile homes. I'm over it, how about you?

1 comment:

  1. My new favorite blog :) You have made my day and your writing is amazing. I think we need to trade blogs
