Friday, September 20, 2013

Casa Kimber Kitchen Remodel

My wife and I recently purchased a single wide mobile home, in anticipation for the arrival of our second baby. We had originally planned to live in a rv, and save money to build a home on our land. Chance had other ideas, and there was no way we could squeeze one more child into a rv. We searched for a house that was ready to go, and thought we had found one. However, we did not do a thorough pre-house inspection, and once we started cleaning it up, black mold was found to be everywhere. So, our ready to live in mobile home, turned into a massive remodel project. We don't have original before photos, however these are factory pictures from the same model and layout. This is basically what the house looked like, with the exception of paint and some wall tile.

I found black mold in the kitchen, under the washing machine, under the sink, under the tubs in both bathrooms, and in the hot water heater closet. The only way to be sure the mold was removed, was to remove everything it was on. This included counters, wallboard, sub-floor, and floor joists. Here are pictures with all the mold and contaminated building products removed.

From here we did a full remodel of the kitchen. First we removed all the old cabinets and replaced the mold contaminated flooring with VOC safe plywood.

The length of the kitchen was then reduced by four feet and the width was increased by 2.5 feet. This made more room for the new master bath, reduced wasted floor space in the kitchen, and gave us more counter space.

We then put in cabinets with solid oak fronts and MDF free, plywood sides.

testing out the new drop in electric stove.

Here is a shot of the kitchen, with the bar frame completed, and the VOC safe plywood put on. The counter is now ready for cement board and marble tile.

The marble tile is installed and waiting for grout.

The slate look, porcelain tile has been installed, and is now waiting for grout.

To prevent further leak damage, I tiled under the dishwasher and refrigerator. I also moved the drain and water supply for the dishwasher out from under the sink and set it up under the house. In addition, I put in 2 - 1 1/2 pvc pipes up through the floor, and grouted them in. These two pipes are routes for the dishwasher and ice maker water supplies. Once everything is sealed up, there will be no place for the water to get into the substructure. Throughout the house, the previous owner put in pvc. This was all removed and replaced with freeze proof pex. Under the kitchen sink, I put glue in connections, instead of the flimsy 1 1/4 thin pvc screw together connections. 

The kitchen is still under construction and almost complete (as of 11/15/2013), once it is all done I will update this post.

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